Madagascar Wiki

Hey all, use this page to discuss the movie.

  • What was your favorite scene?
  • What was the worst scene?
  • What was the best line?
  • What was the worst line?
  • Who was the best character?
  • Who was the worse character?

Or anything else. --Deb1701 22:50, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

Guys, does the Trivia and Goofs have to be EXACTLY like IMDb? Why can't we add our own Trivia and/or goofs?

What do you mean?[]

What do you mean by "our own"? You can add whatever you like. If I think it is valid, I will leave it. If I think it is not valid I will remove it. Deb1701 17:40, September 29, 2010 (UTC)

2 Favourite Characters.[]

what is your favourite characters?

My favourite characters is Marty the Zebra and also a Alex the Lion too.
